Title: Mama Engquist's Home Made Cinnamon Rolls

-- they'll total your kitchen, but they'll keep the menfolk out of Miss Elsie's Place.

         Makes about 42 rolls
         Dough                               Cinnamon Mixture
         1 cup lukewarm water                2 cups sugar
         4 pkg. dry yeast                    8 tsp cinnamon
         3 cups lukewarm milk                2 sticks margarine (melted)
         1 cup sugar
         3 1/2 tsp salt
         4 eggs                               Gooey Stuff
         2 sticks margarine
         14-15 cups flour                   4 sticks margarine
                                            2 cups brown sugar
                                            1 1/2 cups Karo
         Powdered Sugar
         milk and vanilla
         Soak yeast in 1 cup lukewarm water.  Mix milk, sugar, salt,
         eggs, margarine.  Add yeast mixture.  Add flour.
         Knead--Let rise till double.
         Knead--Let rise till double.
         Mix 2 cups sugar and cinnamon.
         Mix and heat Gooey Stuff ingredients until margarine melts.  
         Spread in baking pans.
         Roll out dough, spread margarine, sprinkle with cinnamon 
          mixture.  Cut in 1 inch strips, roll.  Pour Gooey Stuff into
          pans and place rolls in pans on the Gooey Stuff.
         Bake for 25 to 30 minutes at 375 degrees.
         Remove rolls from pans immediately after removing them from the 
         oven.  Be careful, this step is messy.
         Make standard white frosting using listed ingredients (to
         Spread frosting over rolls.

Thanks to Dave Engquist